Dave Champion Show – January 18, 2011

Jefferson said liberty is “full of danger and risk.” Do Americans then really want liberty?
Dave discusses how Leftists always try to steer a “gun control” conversation away from the core issue.
Why those who support gun control are just plain stupid.
Is government now the one true “god” in the eyes of many people?


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One Response to “Dave Champion Show – January 18, 2011”

  1. redthumb says:


    You have captured the very essence of of the supreme spiritual nature of true liberty so prevalently forgotten and abandoned at this point in history, even by those who are in this “freedom” movement. The majority thoughts that have been coming to my mind recently address this observation as well:

    “Risk aversion is liberty subversion.”–redthumb

    “Liberty, by its very nature, creates a wide dynamic between the states of distress and success. Where liberty is maximized, one is maximally self accountable and self sufficient; therefore the potential of failure takes on a more significant sense of risk. When liberty is greatest, and where mistakes are made, punishments are most swift and severe. When risk is removed, and the pains of failure are masked over by the insurance/safety net mentality administered by the state, man is attracted to recklessness. Perhaps, then the two greatest virtues of liberty are that it will keep men both prudent and accountable.”–redthumb

    “Without question the most insidious form of slavery is when one man owns another man, but right next to that is the slavery of security. Security is at best a comforting illusion, and at worst an all consuming delusion. An existence without risk, is an existence without reward. Those who clamor for liberty know this instinctively; those who don’t, are spiritually banal drones.”–redthumb

    “The tragedy of the statist indoctrination system, where the message of the inspiration of liberty and individual rights is either discouraged or altogether dismissed, is that it has reduced the dreamers and innovators to perpetual permission seekers and ever dependent worker drones.”–redthumb

    “Without question the most insidious form of slavery is when one man owns another man, but right next to that is the slavery of security. Security is at best a comforting illusion, and at worst an all consuming delusion. An existence without risk, is an existence without reward. Those who clamor for liberty know this instinctively; those who don’t, are spiritually banal drones.”–redthumb

    “The dangerous truth concerning the nature of rights is that it requires no permission from anyone to exercise them. Any fool who would ask for permission to exercise his rights, in a nation founded upon inalienable rights and individual freedom, has at once converted his status from master to that of slave, and therefore deserves to be told no.”–redthumb

    ‘That which you build, builds you;
    That which you grow, grows you;
    That which you nurture, nurtures you;
    That which you free, frees you.”–redthumb

    “Liberty is my school, where I’m enlightened by reason and wisdom by freely questioning everything; my religion, where my mind, heart and soul become united to fulfill its divine purpose. It inspires me to physical, mental and spiritual excellence so that I may be both capable of defending it, and prove myself worthy to be blessed with it.”–redthumb