Dave Champion – March 8, 2012

Dave announces that his Buddy Tactics course is a ?GO? for May 2012! Why is it so many legislators don?t understand that Americans don?t need a government permission slip to carry arms? Young American repeatedly defeats million dollar ?nude body scanners? with cloth, thread, and sewing needle. Dave explains what is constitutionally faulty about court ruling that cops can search cell phone content without a warrant. A solid pro-gun decision out of Colorado ? except it still deals with government permission slips. 12 states are considering legislation to allow carry of firearms without a government permission slip! Federal judge strikes down Maryland law requiring applicant show ?good cause? to get a government permission slip. Dave discusses supposed pro-gun Americans who actually hold gun-control views. Insane CA Supreme Court says ?reasonable suspicion? doesn?t apply to government intrusion when the issue is ?conservation?. Violent crime soars by 40% in Washington DC where city government still stands in the way of firearms ownership. Violent crime plunges in Chicago where it has become easier for law-abiding citizens to acquire firearms. One of AZ?s most distinguished Sheriff?s admits that he is a homosexual. McCain says the only way to keep America safe is to allow NSA to snoop on the internet WITHIN the U.S.!!!!!


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