Dave Champion Show – June 15, 2011

How and why governments always dismiss the realities of economics, and how that harms the people.
Dave points out that not raising the debt ceiling is good for America while only potentially harmful to bankers.
In criminal investigations “follow the money”. With the debt ceiling, who benefits from raising it?
$6.6 billion in U.S. funds missing in Iraq. Does anyone really think that kind of money disappearing is an “oopsy”?
Rick Sanrtorum says taking a homicide case before a Grand Jury of American citizens is a “political prosecution”.
Americans want U.S. military out of Afghanistan but the government is negotiating to keep military there for decades!
How can a broke U.S. government “guarantee” $1 billion of Egypt’s debt?
A listener asks how property taxes will be handled under “Constitution of the United States II”.


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